



admin - 校務資訊 | 2021-01-04 | 點閱數: 8827


Taipei Municipal Dong Men Elementary School 



 Our school’s vision is health, happiness, and responsibility. We aim to help Dong Men students to have good health, good character and good education.


Established in 1896, Dong Men Elementary School was originally The Affiliated School of Taiwan Sotokufu Japanese School. At the time, under the rule of Japanese colonial government, the school only accepted Japanese children which was also the pioneer of Taiwan Elementary Education. In March of 1990, the school was renamed Taipei Municipal Dong Men Elementary School in Chung-Cheng District.



      Dong Men is located in the Pao-Ai district, and is surrounded by the Office of the President, Taipei 228 Memorial Museum, Taiwan High Court, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, National Theater & Concert Hall, and National Central Library. Because of the environment, the students here can utilize the community resources and enrich their knowledge.

     With the efforts of the previous principals, the school has a nice environment with green grass and features diverse facilities.  The newly opened library offers students and faculties a comfortable place to read and study.  Students’ works displayed in the calligraphy gallery shows the evolution and the beauty of Chinese characters.  Moreover, it creates an authentic environment to encourage students to speak freely and naturally in English. All special classrooms, studios and labs provide students with abundant resources, thus producing the best learning result.




      We cultivate good attitudes in students that make sure they stay clean and tidy and also follow the rules. From 7: 40 a.m., under the supervision of teachers, they clean up the school. During the Morning Reading Time, teachers guide students to read, thus cultivating lifelong reading habits. We also have other activities like running laps on the playground, morning exercise and all kinds of festival celebrations.

      The student’s morning assembly motivates the students to learn the value of loving their country and paying great attention to team honor. P.E., music, art, calligraphy and computer classes enrich the children’s learning experience. Cleaning time before and after school  makes a complete day.




     The first dance class in the country has 34 years of history. The students perform annually at the Taipei City Joint Performance and graduation performances and are often invited to various showcases.

     Our students have enjoyed outstanding performance in all kinds of contests. As for individual students, they win various kinds of awards all the time. As for the school teams, we have the choir team, the recorder team, the karate team, the table-tennis team and the archery team. The choir team is our most long-lasting team and it wins medals every year.  It even performs in our National Concert Hall. The recorder team also receives the excellence awards in the National Music Competition. As for the karate team, it always comes back with triumph, winning many gold and silver medals. Our karate team was even reported by a TV sports program.  The school table tennis team and archery team have extraordinary achievements. Under the guidance of the science teacher team, the science fair entries have good performances each year and were awarded “Group Winner” in 2004.



Just like the words in our couplets describing Dong Men “May the east rays shine for a hundred years.May the school culture bring honor for a thousand decades.”



Taipei Municipal Dong Men Elementary School

Address: No.2-4, Sec. 1, Ren’ai Rd., Zhongzheng Dist.,Taipei City 10052, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Phone Number: +886  2 23412822






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